Wednesday, November 28, 2007

In this class, I have learned about how to write a comparative essay. We went over how to create a T-chart to show what the two issues being discussed had in common. This was very helpful because it gave a good visual of all the points and reasons that we had. This helped with the brainstorming aspect and the deciding of what to do the essay on. It is also a good way to make sure that we had enough information to actually write n entire essay on without running out of things to say.

The two articles were both written in a different style. The car article was comparing which type of pick-up truck was better. The Sport Trac from Ford had a bigger cab space but not as much towing capacity as the Chevrolet Avalanche. the Avalanche had the option of a fold down back seat which extends its truck bed by another 34 inches. It also has much more horsepower and is better on gas mileage. As good as they are, they are not as nice looking or cheap as a Ford Sport Trac.

The article of the two brothers was not so easily recognized as a comparison between the two. It started out as more of a story describing the two brothers and their accomplishments before all of this scandal began happening. However, it later talked about how each had a different role in what had happened. Both had been responsible for different aspects of the scandal and were held accountable for different things.

The writing styles of the two wee very different. The car essay was more of a block method of writing. First all of the information for the Sport Trac was given, then all of the information for the Avalanche was given. There were some combined points made at the end of the article, but foe the most part, the ideas were split apart into sections. In the other article, it was more of a flip-flop method of writing. The points kept jumping back and forth between the two brother's points to show more of a comparison and contrast. This was more effective for this article because it helped the reader to understand better what was being compared.

This information will help me as a writer because it shows which ways are effective when comparing. Although the block method is good to use, I think that the flip-flop method is much more effective. It helps the reader stay focused on the differences and similarities between the two things because they are both talked about in sequence. They won't have to jump ck p to the top each time to see what was said earlier.

Friday, November 2, 2007

What is a Blog?

When talking about a blog, there are many things to consider. Blogs are usually informal and written as easy to read documents. They are more of a pouring out of the writers thoughts onto a page rather than an actual essay.

Blogs are meant to be informative, telling the reader something that is going to happen such as an event. They could also be used to tell stories, or short tales of things that have happened either personally or not personally. The effectiveness of a blog depends on how it is presented to the reader. They should e short and too the point without any useless details or information. Also, the easier a blog is to read, the more people will read it and be involved by it.

It should be broken down into smaller paragraphs to make it look less intimidating to a person looking at it. You want to encourage the reader, and not scare them away because it looks like one big paragraph full of words.

Blogs can have a big impact on our lives if we use them as they are intended. They provide a quick and easy way to notify people and also pass along messages. With the world becoming more dependent on computer technology, blogs keep us connected and up to date.